Can Horses and Cows Live Together & is It Okay to Graze Horses With Cattle?

Do you love animals? Have you ever been curious about how different species live together? If so, then this blog post is for you! I will explore the question of whether horses and cows can coexist peacefully in the same environment and graze together. From sharing resources to understanding behavior, we’ll uncover all the facts…

Categorized as Horses

Puppy Vaccinations: Everything You Need to Know About Dog Vaccines

Are you a new puppy owner looking for information on what vaccine your puppy needs? As a veterinarian, I will update you on the latest in pet care in the field of puppy vaccines. I have gathered all the information you need about puppy vaccinations, the diseases the vaccine protects against, the puppy vaccine schedule,…

Categorized as Dogs

Cremello, Perlino, and Other Horses With the Cream Gene

Cremello, perlino, and other horses with the cream gene are some of the most beautiful horses in the world. They exhibit a unique coloration and appearance due to their creamy white coats and pink skin. In this article, I will explore what makes these horses so special and sort out the difference between the different…

Categorized as Horses

Baby Horses: What They Are Called + Other Answers & Facts

In this article, you will learn the correct term for the horse baby and you will learn more about baby horses and interesting facts about them. As a veterinarian and horse owner with horse breeding experience, I have great expertise with baby horses and I hope this post will be very helpful to you.

Categorized as Horses

Why Horses Are Frightened and How To Avoid Scaring Them

Scientists believe that horses evolved to be very afraid of predators. In the wild, a horse that is not alert to danger is more likely to be killed by a predator. This fearfulness has been passed down through generations of horses. Today’s domestic horses still have this instinctual fear. Over the millennia, even after we…

Categorized as Horses

Colic in Horses: Signs, Causes, Treatment & Prevention

Colic is used as a general term and means pain in the stomach. The horse can get stomach pain for many different reasons, ranging from harmless to life-threatening. Never ignore signs that your horse has colic! All horses are different as individuals and show pain differently and in slightly different ways. You as a horse…

Categorized as Horses

22 Spotted Horse Breeds: The Complete Guide

Spotted horses are eye-catching and special. The coat patterns with spots are controlled by genetics and are inherited via the so-called Leopard factor also called the LP gene or Leopard complex. This article will take you through all the common spotted horse breeds as well as some less common and unusual ones.

Categorized as Horses

The Most Common Horse Coat Colors & Patterns Explained (Picture Guide)

As a veterinarian, I often have to fill in identification papers and define the different colors and markings of the horses. This is not always easy as the coat colors and coat patterns can vary greatly between horses. To help you to learn all about common horse coat colors and more unusual colors and patterns,…

Categorized as Horses